Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Guyana :: essays research papers

GuyanaGuyana is a country located on the northern coast of South America. It isbounded on the north by the Atlantic ocean and on the east by Suriname. On thesouth side Guyana is bordered by Brazil, and on the west side is Brazil andVenezuela. Guyana achieved its independence on whitethorn 26, 1966 when it broke awayfrom Britain.Land and ResourcesGuyana has three different major geographical regions. These consist ofa belt of soil which ranges from five to forty miles, a lowering forest argona whichmakes up about four-fifths of the country and a region of savanna. The countryalso has many rivers that have some spectacular waterfalls and one river has thehighest single-drop waterfall in the world. These rivers are navigable from thesea to about one-hundred miles inland, after that they are no longer navigabledue to rapids and falls.Natural ResourcesThe lands of Guyana have many worthy natural resources. Within thelands you can find gold, diamonds, kaolin, manganese and bauxite. I f you were totravel a little ways off shore, you could also locate some petroleum. Thesenatural resources are very important in helping out the economy of this poorcountry.The lands have much resource also found in the vegetation and theforests. The plants and trees are documented for their abnormal size and density.Guyana has an excellent lumber industry, they sell some of the finest greenheartas well as mora. Within the forests are a big mixture of wildlife which canrange from deer to anteater and a few types of monkeys. The birds are verydiverse, they consist of for example sugarbirds, cotingas and manakins all whichfeed on Guyanas vast rate of insects.Population , Education and CultureGuyana has an estimated 800,000 people or on an average of 3.8 peopleper square mile. Georgetown is the capital and it holds a few hundred thousandpeople. universe the capital, it is the main port city and holds the majoreducational institution in Guyana. The University of Guyana is the best hig hereducation and there are many schools throughout the country. In the past fewyears the country has taken education to much higher level.Guyana was settled by East Indians, many still speak Urdu, Hindu andTamil dialects. The official language is English. The culture is close to theSuriname and French Guiana than to the rest of South America. All of thesevarious cultures have remained fairly distinct and in todays nightclub each grouphas its own style of life and culture.EconomyIn 1966, Guyana was in the early stages of developing its resources.

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